Saturday, March 2, 2013

Collectivism/Socialism/Planned Economy

F A Hayek wrote: "in a planned society...(t)here are three main reasons why such a numerous and strong group with fairly homogeneous views is not likely to be formed by the best but rather by the worst elements of any society...first...the higher the education and intelligence of individuals become, the more their views and tastes are differentiated...if we wish to find a high degree of uniformity and similarity of outlook, we have to descend to the regions of lower moral and intellectual standards...second...the docile and gullible...have no strong convictions of their own but are prepared to accept a ready-made system of values...third and perhaps most important negative element of selection...It seems to be almost a law of human nature that it is easier for people to agree on a negative program---on the hatred of an enemy, on the envy of those better off---than any positive task.  The contrast between the 'we' and the 'they', the common fight against those outside the group seems to be an essential ingredient in any creed which will solidly knit together a group for common action...The enemy, whether he be internal, like the 'Jew' or the 'kulak,' or external, seems to be an indispensable requisite in the armory of the totalitarian leader."  (The Road To Serfdom, F A Hayek, edited by Bruce Caldwell; The University of Chicago Press, 2007; pp 160, 161.) 

Isn't it interesting that the Tea Party did not rise until people felt threatened by the government?  So Hayek's third condition for a solidly knit group for common action.  That is a danger with such movements; some autocrat can come along and co-opt a ready made group which can lead to totalitarianism.  So we must always be vigilant to guard our individual freedoms from the group.  In this life the only boundary on individual freedom is the individual freedom of our neighbor.  And so Christianity has taught that we are to honor mother and father (authorities; honor, not necessarily obey), to not kill, not commit adultery, not steal, not bear false witness, not covet our neighbor's home, not covet the service/help/benefits our neighbor gets from those who serve him/her.  Notice how many of these are prohibitions, protecting our neighbor from us and us from our neighbor, protecting our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


How do we make people wake up and realize they are being deceived by BO and his demons? Do we slap them upside the head? Do we box their ears? Do we put a megaphone in their ear and yell at the top of our lungs?
None of those would work. So what do we do?

We just keep speaking the truth and let them find out for themselves. When the deception slaps them in the face, then they will be screaming for help. Just watch what will happen when this torture brought on by our government starts bearing down on them; they will be screaming bloody murder. It would not surprise me that everything will explode. All hell will break loose.

What do we do then? We speak the truth. When hell breaks loose, we are in no less danger than we are now. Hellish rebellion is no better than what we have now. Just as many people will get hurt then as now. So what do we do?

We keep speaking the truth.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Will The Real Racist/Segregationist Please Stand Up?

If you want to find out who the real racists/segregationists are in our society, please read the book by David Barton, American History In Black & White. (Wallbuilder Press, 2004) Here are just a few facts to tease your mind:

  • In 1789 the U.S. government passed a law prohibiting slavery in a federal territory. In 1820, the Democratic Congress passed the Missouri Compromise that reversed that policy. (p 17)
  • In 1850, the Democratic Congress pass the Fugitive Slave Law requiring anyone who found escaped slaves to return them back to slavery. (p 18)
  • Indicating the tendency of the Democrats to use violence to make their point, Democrat Preston Brooks was proclaimed a hero for clubbing Senator Charles Sumner almost to death because Senator Sumner made a speech promoting civil rights and desegregation. It took Senator Sumner three and one-half years to recover. (p 21-22)
  • In 1871 not one Democrat voted to pass a bill to allow the government to punish Klan violence. (p 73)
  • In 1956 100 Democrats in Congress passed a manifesto denouncing the Supreme Court's decision to end segregation in schools.
This is just a few facts in American history that show a trend in the parties in our country. The book is full of facts about who are the real racists. Beware Nancy Pelozi, Harry Reid, Michael Moore, etc!  These facts along some more recent ones such as the Klan membership and leadership of the late Senator Robert Byrd raises serious questions about who are the real racists/segregationists.

Romney: Obama-lite?

It is beginning to look like Romney and Obama are just two peas in a pod. Oh, they may be on opposite ends of the pod, but they are two peas in the same pod.

That seemed to become very clear when the story came out that Romney sent his advisors to the White House to help Obama draw up and implement Obamacare.

Oh, Romney may claim that when RomneyCare was drawn up, that was on the state level. The claim is made that the states have a right to try things that the federal government cannot do.

Yet, even if that is the case, the fact that Romney and his staff supported RomneyCare would show that they believe that government subsidized health care is a good thing. That indicates that Romney believes in big government, government doing things for the private sector that the private sector supposedly is not able to do for itself. It would appear that Romney believes that big government, whether big state government or big federal government, is a healthy thing for our country. Romney is very obviously a member of the ruling class just like Obama. So the upper echelons of the Republican Party supports Romney because he would continue the policies of big government. Romney is a member of the ruling class just like the leadership of the GOP and Obama are.

What we need is someone who is from the outside, some one with no connections in the ruling class. We need a normal private citizen to run for the Presidency. Look at where the political "ruling class" has gotten us. They have led us to the brink of the cliff and those kind have no idea how to back us away from that cliff. If we want our country to go over the cliff we have our choices for who is going to lead us over the cliff, Romney or Obama. If we are going to back away from that cliff, we need to find someone else.

So, what do we want, one of the peas in the pod or someone outside the pod?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Obama History

"You supported Barack Obama in 2008. Why? Did you miss something?"

Last night on Hannity, that question was asked of Daniel Hannan, Member of European Parliament,who has been very critical of the policies of the U.S. government these last three years. He maintains that America is just a few years behind Europe in the financial crisis, just a few years behind Greece. Mr. Hannan is very conservative fiscally. Why did he support Barack Obama in 2008? Did he miss something?

"Part of that was I was incredibly underwhelmed by the Republican Party by the end of 2008. They had become a party of big spending, big deficits, bailouts, nationalizations. So I thought, how much worse can it get? Well, I had no idea how much worse it could get." ARE YOU LISTENING, REPUBLICANS? Mr Hannan says that one reason Obama won in 2008 was because the Republican Party was UNDERWHELMING. That is a very kind, British way of saying the Republican Party had nothing to offer different from Barack Obama. The Republican Party and the Democrat Party are birds of the same feather. Maybe there is a difference in the colors of the feathers, but they are the same species, "RULING CLASS", a class unto themselves, separate from the rest of the country. The Republicans are not really different from the Democrats, except the Republicans may not be so bold, so intense. They are just a mild form of the Democrats, Democrat-lite. In some ways, that makes them even worse than the Democrats, because they hide behind the skirts of the Democrats and then expect the voters to support them. What a crock!

Republicans, if you want the support of the grassroots movement, you better come out from behind the skirts of the Democrats. If you don't, the grassroots movement will move on without you, indeed opposed to you. Is that what you want? Stop supporting big government! Stop supporting government regulations for our lives! Stop using government to force your agenda down the throats of the American people! SHRINK GOVERNMENT!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tipping Point

"We are getting very close to the tipping point, where we will not be able to save this country." "We need to work hard before we get to the tipping point when there will be no hope of avoiding disaster."

We hear statements like these two every once in a while. "We have to turn this country around before it gets to the tipping point."

Where is that tipping point? Daniel Hannan, author of "The New Road To Serfdom: A Letter Of Warning To America" and Member of the European Parliament made a very interesting statement this evening on Hannity's news show: "There are lots of ways in theory you could get out of this mess, by spending less and bringing your borrowing under control. In practice, the state in Europe has now reached a size that makes that kind of behavior politically impossible." The size of government creates a huge problem. When government gets so big it takes too much of the GDP to run, then the country runs grave danger of not being able to set aside enough funds to cover their expenses and still continue a real economy. And it does NOT help to borrow more to cover the expenses. That does not help the economy thrive. Instead, government borrowing takes away from the private economy funds needed to borrow to grow business. And so, the more government borrows, the less private business grows. And the less private business grows, the less tax income the government has and so the government has to borrow more and raise the tax rates. Raising tax rates takes more money from the private sector and so business has even less to use to grow. And so it has to borrow even more. It is a vicious circle.

And what is really sad is that the people affected the most by all this government growth and waste are the poorest of society. The job market gets tighter and so they have trouble finding jobs. The private sector cash shrinks and so they have less for charitable giving. It is not the rich that suffer from big government; in fact, the rich suffer the least from big government. It is the middle income and below that bear the brunt of this burden. What a shame! What statists try to cure with big government is made worse by big government.

Well, what do we do? Daniel Hannan on Hannity: "It is not something you can fix with tinkering around the edges, cutting one or two programs here and there. There has got to be a fundamental rethink aimed at bringing the budget back into balance within a couple of years, not within the next forty years or whatever the Republicans in Congress are talking about. We don't have that length of time to play with, I'm afraid."

We have to do some fundamental rethinking. One thing we need to rethink is the idea that government can solve our problems. Government CANNOT solve our problems; government is the problem. The only thing government can do is protect us and mediate between states whenever struggles arise. Government needs to shrink drastically so that the private sector can grow. When that happens, EVERYONE will benefit from the lower levels of society to the upper levels. Repeal most federal agencies. Start with the EPA and the Dept of Education. Do you know that the regulations of the EPA are causing more environmental damage than they are preventing? Do you know that since the federal Dept of Education was started, the U.S. has continually fallen in scholastic achievements?

Another agency, even though technically it is not a government agency, that should be shut down is the Federal Reserve. Even though it is not technically a part of the government, the government uses it to control our money supply and to redistribute wealth. One reason we find ourselves in the recession we are in, is because of the Federal Reserve and its illegitimate connection with the federal government has caused inflation and controlled the money flow to the detriment of the private sector and to the benefit of the big banks that are part of the Federal Reserve. Fire Ben Bernanke and close down the Federal Reserve!

The list could go on and on. The government has gotten so big that if it was shrunk to its proper size, none of us would recognize it. It would take decades for us to get use to living without the government interfering in our lives. And this includes our state governments also. SHRINK GOVERNMENT NOW!!!